Friday, June 28, 2013

The Totally Random Promo Blog - Part 4

Welcome back to the Totally Random Blog series! 

Today's formula gave the Zazzlers a little bit of a say in what would be chosen for promotion. The first request I had was that they give me one of the "departments" available (art/posters, cards/postage, home/pet, accessories, electronics, clothing, office products, or other products). Then I asked for a number between 1-4 and another number between 1-10. The 1-4 corresponds to one of four sort options, like in Part 3 of the blog series (only this time in a different order). The 1-10 corresponds to the first 10 products that show up under these search parameters.

As always, I will start with what came up from my shop, again with the help of my son.

Proud to be a Teacher Tshirts
Proud to be a Teacher Tshirts by rdwnggrl
Get the best custom shirts online at


And here are the Zazzlers choices:

Mustache Funny Postage Stamp
Mustache Funny Postage Stamp by Ricaso_Postage
Browse Ricaso Stamps online at


HOT Coffee Mug
HOT Coffee Mug by lapatrick1161
Find additional mug online at Zazzle.


Thank you for reading from Rdwnggrl's World!

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