Friday, February 10, 2012

A Throw Pillow Here, A Throw Pillow There

Rdwnggrl's World is proud to announce that Zazzle now carries throw pillows! But not just any throw pillow - these are from American Mojo. All American MoJo products are 100% cotton and are produced by sustainably employed single moms in the USA and contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty for single moms and their children. Supporting Zazzle and their designers now also means supporting hard working woman creating a better life for themselves and their children.

Springtime Butterfly throwpillow
Springtime Butterfly by rdwnggrl
Browse other pillow designs on Zazzle.

Love One Another throwpillow
Love One Another by rdwnggrl
Browse other throw pillow designs on Zazzle.

Furry Zebra Custom Monogram Purple throwpillow
Furry Zebra Custom Monogram Purple by Rewards4life
Browse other pillow designs on Zazzle.

Thank you for reading from Rdwnggrl's World!


Belinha Fernandes said...

Great selection of pillows!

Elaine Leon said...

These are lovely! Can`t wait to start designing!